Open Pitch Day Nov’23

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Join us for Open Pitch Day: November 1st! Elevate your startup game with expert feedback and VC insights. 🌟

  • ​Pitch your startup to a panel of experienced venture capitalists.

  • ​Gain constructive feedback and industry insights.

  • ​Expand your professional network.

  • ​Unlock potential investment opportunities.

​In this edition we are inviting Startups from within and outside our program, so if you want to join apply now and don’t miss out! 🚀📈

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Want to pitch?

Fill this form out to including your Pitck Deck (PDF format only) to apply for a spot, and get ready to pitch your ideas to seasoned VCs, receive feedback, and network with industry experts.

WEB - Open Pitch Day Application - Founders OLD
Stage of startup
What is your work situation?

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